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Cleaning x Chemical Washing of Air Conditioning

Cleaning x Chemical Washing of Air Conditioning

The cleaning of an air conditioner can be done on site without major difficulties, it is necessary to clean the air filters, fairing and fan. It may also apply fungicide and / or bactericide to the coil / tray.

For proper air conditioning maintenance must keep clean the components of the HVAC system, such as trays, coils, humidifiers, fans and ducts, in order to avoid the spread or multiplication of harmful agents, human health and maintain good indoor air quality.

Cleaning x Chemical Washing of Air Conditioning

The focus of air conditioner cleaning is to improve indoor air quality.

What is done in maintenance?

Periodic or sporadic preventive maintenance includes everything that is done to clean the air conditioner, plus checks and measurements such as:

  • Tension.
  • Chain.
  • Temperatures.
  • System pressures.
  • Air flow and etc.

Chemical wash (sanitization)

Chemical washing of small equipment is almost impossible to do on site. It is necessary to uninstall the equipment. The equipment must be removed to take it in the workshop, completely disassembled and dipped in a specific degreasing chemical. All electrical and electronic components are bench-tested, such as the change of bolts and rusted electrical terminals, the chassis is checked, including corrosion paint and rust spots. The verification of the components and mechanical parts is also done. Movable parts are checked for possible wear and tear as well as lubrication. After the equipment is reassembled, we apply fungicide and bactericide to the coil and tray. Then the equipment is packed is ready to be reinstalled.

After installation the system must be pressurized, and then dehydrated with a high vacuum pump. Then the need to replace the “gas” charge is verified.

That is, the difference in material and workmanship between cleaning and chemical cleaning of the air conditioner is exorbitant. The frequency of Aircon chemical wash service is determined by the professionals.