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Will a Foundation Lift Cause Any Structural Damage to my House?

Will a Foundation Lift Cause Any Structural Damage to my House

One of the biggest questions you might have after a foundation lift is “Will it cause any structural damage to my house?” The answer is probably no, but you should ask your foundation repair contractor if you can get your house checked out by a structural engineer. This way, you can be sure that a foundation lift is not causing any damage to the structure of your home. Regardless of whether the damage is cosmetic or significant, the process is often necessary to prevent further structural issues and protect your property. For more assistance and a quote on your foundation repair, contact Atlas Piers today.

Will a Foundation Lift Cause Any Structural Damage to my House

The fall season in Georgia is a beautiful time to have a foundation lift. The cool fall air is a signal of the changing seasons, and the fall months are the driest. This makes soil the most stable, and foundation issues are less likely to occur. In addition, the timing of the work compared to major winter holidays makes it the perfect time for foundation repairs. So, the question remains: will a basement foundation lift cause any structural damage to my house?

A foundation lift is not a solution for every foundation problem. A good foundation anchors your home in place, distributes its weight evenly, and prevents interior wall cracks. In Atlanta, the climate is incredibly humid and volatile, and the damp air makes the soil more susceptible to cracks and settling. In fact, the hottest months are October and September. Both months are relatively dry, so there is less chance of foundation issues. In addition to the dry weather, fall is the best time to have a foundation repair.

In Atlanta, fall is the best time to have a foundation repair done. The cold weather of late winter and early spring is a sign of moisture in the air and may even affect a southern home. As the soil dries, pockets of ice and moisture form underneath the foundation. This causes the foundation to shift. In addition to these structural issues, the temperature may change, causing additional shifting.

A foundation lift is a costly procedure that requires professional assistance. You should always hire a licensed and experienced contractor to do the job. A professional will assess your home and make recommendations for the repair. It’s also important to note that it will require a lot of money. So, consider getting a foundation repair done by a licensed professional. This way, you won’t have to worry about any damage to your house.

If you’re considering a foundation lift, you should have your foundation checked by a professional. A professional foundation repair is a necessity for your home’s safety and may negatively affect the value of your home. Therefore, you should never try to tackle the repair yourself, as the cracks and gaps will only get wider over time. This could cause structural damage to your house and your walls.