Monthly archives: June, 2017

How to Make Localized Repairs to Concrete Floors Quickly and Safely

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Concrete floors often suffer aggression from impacts, wear, etc., causing their degradation. Heavy traffic accelerates degradation of damaged areas on concrete floors. Repairs made with traditional mortar (cement, sand), besides being time consuming processes, do not offer effective results, due to the mechanical resistances being lower than the request. Looking for concrete repair in Tacoma? …

Tips For Saving With Custom Home Construction


Many people choose to build custom home at the time of realizing the dream of home ownership. This decision comes from the desire that the new residence has a personal and custom touch and meets your needs in a personalized and custom way. Some people find that new home construction means headache, mainly because of …

Choosing the Best Kitchen Flooring


There are many different types of kitchen flooring that you can choose from for your home, but deciding the best kitchen flooring will all depend on the homeowner purchasing it. To some people, wood and marble are the best kitchen flooring to have. This may be true to you as well if you’re looking for …